Book, DVD and Rod Library

The following books, DVDs and Rods will be available for perusal at the event. It will be an ideal opportunity to:
- Have a look at hard to get books
- Watch some DVD's in the evenings in the TV room
- "Taste test" different rod actions

Book Library

A Master’s Guide to Building a Bamboo Fly Rod: Everett Garrison and Hoagy Carmichael
Fundamentals of Building a Bamboo Fly Rod: George Maurer and Bernard Elser
Handcrafting Bamboo Fly Rods: Wayne Cattanach
The Lovely Reed: Jack Howell
The Idyll of the Spit Bamboo: George Parker Holden
Constructing Cane Rods: Ray Gould
Cane Rods: Tips and Tapers: Ray Gould
Split and Glued: Vincent Marinaro
How to Make Bamboo Fly Rods: George Barnes
How to Build your own Split Cane Fly Rod: Lawton Moss
Bamboo Rod Restoration Handbook: Michael Sinclair
Split Cane Rods, Bamboo Treasures: Rolf Baginski
Secret Fresh and Salt Water Fishing Tricks: Leonard and Herter
Bamboo: Fact, Fiction and Flyrods: Bob Milward

The Reelsmith’s Primer: Michael Hackney
Reels and Making them: John Betts
Collectors Guide to Old Fishing Reels: D B Engel

Fishing Bamboo” John Gierach
Casting a Spell: George Black
Splitting Cane - by Ed Engle
The Anglers Bamboo: Luis Marden
The Snake Rod” Robert Nunley
Moose in the Water, Bamboo on the Bench: Kathy Scott
Changing Planes: Kathy Scott
Headwaters fall as Snow: Kathy Scott
The Letters to Everett Garrison: Kathy Scott
Brook Trout Forest: Kathy Scott

Classic Rods and Rodmakers: Martin Keane
Antique and Collectible Fly Rods: D.B. Homel
Jordan the Rodmaker (Wes Jordan - Orvis): William Jordan
Howells (Gary Howells): Joseph Beelart Jnr
A Fly Rod with Soul (E C Powell): Per Brandin
Playing with Fire (E W Edwards): Patrick Garner
“8” (Ed and Jim Payne): Hoagy Carmaicael
Dickerson the Man and his Rods: Gerald Stein and James Shaaf
and more…

(Plus several Japanese books on Rodmaking and other Japanese Tackle Making)

DVD Library

The Lost World of Mr Hardy
Trout Grass
Colorado Cane
Making the Garrison Fly Rod
Digger: Portrait of a Bamboo Fly Rod Maker
Only the River Knows
A Bamboo Artisan on the Ruby River

Rod Library

There will be many wonderful rods to cast during the event. We hope to see some surprises that people bring along unannounced, but I will list some rods here that we plan to have to try out. Feel free to Contact Us if you would like to give some details of rods that you plan to bring along…

Nick Taransky - Rod List

(Rods made by other Makers):

Jeff Wagner - USA - JD Wagner 7'3" #4/5 3-piece

Bob Clay - Canada - British Columbia - Riverwatch Rods
"Dean's Skeena - Kispiox"
11' #5/6 Spey 3 piece
Penta construction
Hollow Built
Carbon Composite ferrules

Jim Downes - USA - Pennsylvania
8' #4/5 3-piece Heddon Taper

Naoto Shibuya - Japan
7'8" #4 2-piece

Ushu Nakamura - Japan
7'9" #4 2-piece
Madake Bamboo

Sharpes Scotty
8' #6 "Featherlight"

Sharpes Spey
12'9" #8/9
Scarf Ferrules

(Rods made by Nick Taransky)
- Bush Creek 6'6" #3/4/5 3-pce - for 10 years my "go to" rod for stream fishing
- Imp (4pce and 2 pce) - Japanse style
- Madake Para 15
- Madake Midge
- 10 4pce Trout Spey Bamboo Ferrules
- 12' Spey 3-piece scarf ferrules
- 8'5" Scarf #5/6 2-piece
- 8'4" Hammer 4-piece #5
- 7' class built Driggs no "0"
- #1 5'6 2-piece Leonard Baby Catskill taper
- 6'9" #7/8 Bonefish Flats Prototype - Titanium Ferrules
- 8'5" #8/10 2 pce scarf
- 9' #7 3-piece F E Thomas Streamer Rod taper, with hardware fully engraved by Dick Chapman
- Whole Culm from Yadake Cane - 2 piece and 4 piece, integrated spigot carbon ferrules